Opt Out Edison ~ The Ojai and Ventura VIEW
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VIEW:
Opt Out of Edison Electric's (SCAM) "not so" SMART METER PROGRAM
Speak Out ! - Send Your Letter! |
Thurs. Apr. 19, 2012
CPUC allows OPT OUT OF SMART METERS but Charges us to NOT Buy One!
The Edison Smart Meter "Con" |
Today, April 19th, the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) allowed folks to opt out of "Smart" Meters but they are charging the same folks to NOT buy one! We've never heard of having to pay to NOT BUY something you don't want that is bad for you! Have you? The ultimate SCE Scam: maybe even better than Edison's Enron Scam! Phase II of the CPUC hearings on Smart Meters will follow. ~ Ed. |
What Can a SCE Consumer Do? |
Date: April 19, 2012 2:08:04 PM PDT
Media Contact: Terrie Prosper, 415.703.1366, news@cpuc.ca.gov Docket #: A.11-07-020
SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2012 - The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today modified Southern California Edison's (SCE) and San Diego Gas & Electric's advanced metering programs to include an option for those residential customers who do not wish to have a wireless Smart Meter installed at their location.
Edison customers choosing to decline an electric Smart Meter may retain the meter currently installed at their location or receive the meter form (i.e., an analog meter or a non-analog, non-smart digital meter) that had been at their location prior to the installation of a wireless electric Smart Meter.
SDG&E customers who do not want a wireless Smart Meter installed at their location can choose to have an analog electric and/or gas meter.
Customers participating in the opt-out option will be assessed an initial fee of $75 and a monthly charge of $10 thereafter. Customers enrolled in the CPUC's low income program (California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)) electing to opt-out will be assessed an initial fee of $10 and a monthly charge of $5. The initial fee and monthly charge approved today are interim to allow residential customers to begin selecting the opt-out option immediately. The costs are subject to adjustment upon conclusion of a second phase of this proceeding where issues concerning the actual costs associated with offering an analog opt-out option will be addressed.
Said CPUC President Michael R. Peevey, "As we move toward a more advanced electricity grid, Smart Meters will offer customers real benefits. However, if a customer does not want to have a Smart Meter, our decision today gives them that option."
The September 21, 2011, Assigned Commissioner's Ruling directing utilities to establish a delay list is no longer in effect and all customers on a delay list will be transitioned to a wireless Smart Meter unless they elect to participate in their utility's opt-out option.
The proposal voted on for SCE is available at http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/EFILE/PD/161688.pdf. The proposal voted on for SDG&E is available at http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/word_pdf/AGENDA_DECISION/164057.pdf.
VIEW EDITOR'S NOTE: Michael R. Peevey, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) President (noted above in CPUC Press Release) was President of Edison International and Southern California Edison Company (and "Man of the Year" by the Power Association of Northern California). It is obvious Mr. Peevey's past puts him in direct Conflict of Interest in any ruling involving Southern California Edison (SCE). |
Ojai City Council Meeting (Smart Meters)
>Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 7:00 PM
LINK: On 4-24-12 Ojai Council Agenda: Item 4 Smart Meter Installation Survey |
OUTSIDE LINK pdf: 3/12/12: The American Academy of Environmental Medicine Position Paper Calling for Immediate Caution regarding Smart Meter Installations |
OUTSIDE LINK: 3/25/12: Smart Meters are Dangerous |
OJAI LINK: Ojai Smart Meter Opt-Out Group |
OJAI LINK: Ojai/Venture County PETITION to Ban Smart Meters |
FILE A COMPLAINT: If one or more consumer products are responsible for making you ill, please report them to the Consumer Product Safety Commission at 1-800-638-2772 or CPSC on the Web Be prepared with the product name, model and/or serial number, and the symptoms it causes. These dangerous consumer products will not be either removed from shelves or re-engineered unless complaints are filed.
LINK: American Coalition Against Smart Meters |
LINK: YouTube Video: Foiling a "Smart" Meter, Part Two: Aluminum Mesh Screening |
LINK: YouTube Video: OUT With the New/IN With the Old - SMART METER REMOVAL |
LINK: YouTube Video-15 Mins: SMART METERS and EMF Radiation Poison - PSA - Pd |
For those Ojaians (and other like minded individuals) who want to opt out of the invasive Edison Electric Smart Meter installations, here's a Letter with a Singular Message I'm sure we all can identify with. It's a little stronger than most, details the potential uses/abuses, etc.
August 9, 2011
If you are in a county where the electric company intends to change to Smartmeters, you may want to read through and use this letter, your choice. This has been formulated by a legal expert. Please use the template under your own responsibility.
If you already have your Smartmeter installed, this letter cannot be used.
FROM: [your address here]
Steve Holliday, CEO [TO: Replace with address of your provider]
National Grid USA Headquarters
40 Sylvan Road
Waltham, MA 02451
Dear National Grid and all agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties,
If you intend to install or have installed a "Smart Meter" or any radio frequency monitoring device at the above address, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of all such devices on the above property. Installation and use of any activity monitoring device is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes. Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. "Smart Meters" violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4. Data about occupant's daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data by those who's activities were recorded.
5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals,blackmailers, corrupt law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7. "Smart Meters" are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain "Smart Meter" data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
9. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.
10. Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency energy contamination from smart meters exceeds allowable safe and healthful limits for domestic environments as determined by the EPA and other scientific programs.
I forbid, refuse and deny consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence and my place of occupancy. That applies to and includes "Smart Meters", radio frequency monitoring devices and activity monitoring devices of any and all kinds. Any attempt to install any such device directed at me, other occupants, my property or residence will constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance and endangerment of health and safety, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by "law" or not..
This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice. Civil Servant immunities and protections do not apply to the installation of smart meters due to the criminal violations they represent.
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved.
Edison Smart Meters began appearing throughout Ojai this month. Word is someone was going around tearing off the "Delay" tags on the old meters of people who "opted" out of the mess - the police were called.... Not only is it anticipated that the cancer rates (already high due to high agricultural pesticide spraying) will increase, but Edison will eventually use the system to increase revenues - the silver lining, for edison.... It is expected Edison will conduct individual peak hour blackouts, forcing customers to pay higher rates if they want electricity during those times. It seems the corrupting lessons were learned in the Enron fiasco when rate payers got screwed.
Michael R. Peevey, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) President was President of Edison International and Southern California Edison Company (and "Man of the Year" by the Power Association of Northern California), and so it is highly unlikely Ojai will receive a single kilowatt of mandated relief from the C.P.U.C.
The following Statement was made to the
Ojai City Council, Mar. 27., by Ojai Resident Kevin Schmidt.
Good evening Mayor. Good evening Ojai city council members.
Tonight I am here to speak on the issue of Smart Meters currently being installed in Ojai which have yet to be proven scientifically safe by any qualified expert, by any independent scientific organization or by any governmental agency on a local, state, national or international level.
In fact there is a growing consensus from qualified experts who believe that Smart Meters are unsafe and should not be used under any circumstances. To that growing list you can include qualified experts working directly for the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Since this is obviously a credible concern with Smart Meter safety issues, this controversy would be better resolved not by the legally qualified California PUC, but by the better scientifically qualified California Department of Public Health, and more specifically by their Environmental Public Health Laboratory branch who currently has a Smart Meter study in place with preliminary findings.
Yesterday I called them and spoke with Dr. Steve Well, who told me the following, "The California Department of Public Health is about to release an advisory against holding cell phones up to the head, especially by children, and will instead recommend the use of bluetooth headsets." Next he said, "Major private industry studies claiming the safety of cell phone use, or smart meters are scientifically flawed," and he also said that he could prove it. Finally he said their environmental health safety laboratory has been conducting their own study. He gave me his opinion of their findings by saying, "The perfect storm would be to have a childs bed on the inside wall, opposite of where a Smart Meter was installed." The Department of Public Health preliminary findings directly contradicts the PUC and indirectly contradicts the PUC's competency and legitimacy. Dr. Wells office number is 510-620-2818.
AGENDA: Ojai Mecca for eco-TRAFFIC?
I find it ironic in a couple week that ojai valley green coalition will sponsor an Ojai eco-tourism forum. If you understand the domographics of eco-tourists as well as vegetarians, localvores, organicvores and members of Ojai's eclectic spiritual community, you will know that a majority of them are accutely aware of the dangers of Smart Meters. So in the years to follow, if our valley is saturated with Smart Meter radiation, all of those people will hardly consider Ojai to be a mecca for eco-tourism or for healthy living, which means the financial health of Ojai will also be affected negatively.
Because of these credible, potential negative effects on our health and on our wealth, I ask that you immediately put the issue of Smart Meters on this evenings agenda so that you can immediately pass an emergency ban or moratorium on the installation and use of Smart Meters within Ojai.
I also ask that it stay in effect until such time that the California Public Utilities Commission receives from the California Department of Public Health scientific proof that Smart Meters are safe to use.
Now ten counties, and at least 40 cities and towns within California as well as many other states are actively working to ban their use. I ask that you now follow their lead and join them. Stop erring on the side of caution for the benefit of the PUC, who is easily discredited scientifically and thus brings into serious doubt the legitimacy of their legal authority over this issue. Instead I ask you to err on the side of your constitutents and make the justifiable decision to take immediate action to protect the health and the wellbeing of everyone who lives in Ojai or comes to visit in Ojai. Again, I ask you to please place an immediate ban or moratorium on installation and use of Smart Meters. Thank you for your
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Email: editor@ojaiandventuraview.com